Save and store your best calls to spread best practices

Accelerate onboarding and scale your team’s success with Modjo's Library. Replace weeks of passive call shadowing with instant access to a collection of top sales calls, enabling new reps to ramp up faster.

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My team makes 1,000 calls per month. Before Modjo, we didn’t use them. Now, we can highlight top conversations and store them in a library, which is crucial for sharing best practices.

Profile picture of Steve Abou Rjeily

Steve Abou Rjeily

Co-Founder & Sales Director @Doctolib


Deals signed in the first two months of a new hire


Onboarding time


Supercharge onboarding
with Library

Accelerate new hire success with instant access to top sales calls and proven strategies. All in one centralized & secure place/location.


Create a High-Impact
Sales Library

Build a comprehensive, categorized directory/folder of winning sales calls and techniques, enriched with insights and contributions from top performers, all organized in a secure and personal location.


A Library to rule them all

Expand your Sales team impact throughout the organization to share key moments referring to transversal topics such as pricing, product quality, customer service efficiency…

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Successful with Modjo

Eimear Stakelum

Account Executive


I save 30 minutes after each client meeting thanks to Modjo's AI, which summarizes my meetings and automatically fills in my CRM fields.


Minutes saved

Fabien Nahum

Director of Performance and Operations.


Thanks to Modjo, the time spent evaluating a conversation has been cut in half, from 15 to 7 minutes.


Time spent evaluating a conversation

Simon Bibas

Head of Inside Sales


“The solution allows me to align everyone's performance with that of the best salespeople on the team. Whether it's during onboarding or ongoing training, Modjo has become essential for Planity's sales teams.”


Onboarding time in 6 months

Yann Goujon



“The first benefit we noticed since implementing Modjo is the improvement in the performance of our customer-facing teams, with conversion rates that have doubled.”


On conversion rate

Victor Boisnard

Head of Sales


“Modjo has completely changed the way we coach our teams! We now have a factual analysis of what our best salespeople do and a way to easily replicate it across the rest of the team.”


On our conversion rate in 4 months

Fanny Lemaistre

AM Team Lead


“Each member of my team saves 4 hours per week. Modjo helps them focus on their main task, which is selling.”


Saved per week


Who has access to the Library?

Only authorized users in your organization are allowed to access the calls in the library.

Can we create access restrictions for certain libraries?

By default, all teams can see the calls of other teams. However, you can set specific access rules based on your needs.

Try our IA Platform to transform
your team productivity now !

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